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 [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk

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Nombre de messages : 392
Age : 44
Localisation : Isle sur la Sorgue (84)
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2006

[28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Démoniste   [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 18 Juil - 1:03

Citation :

o Aftermath (Destruction) - Now a 2-point talent, down from 5.
o All demon abilities and spells will automatically be learned as pets gain levels. Demon Master trainers will be removed.
o Blood Pact now works raid-wide (not just in party).
o Cataclysm (Destruction) - Now also increases your chance to hit with Destruction spells by 1% per point.
o Curse of Recklessness will no longer prevent Fear effects, only prevent NPCs from fleeing (e.g. at low health).
o Dark Pact: Tooltip updated to be more consistent with other similar effects.
o Demon Armor - Now increases healing done by spells and effects by 20%, but no longer has in-combat health regeneration.
o Demon Skin, Demon Armor and Fel Armor are no longer Magic effects and cannot be dispelled.
o Fel Armor - Now increases your spell damage equal to 30% of your total Spirit, but no longer increases healing done by spells and effects by 20%.
o Fel Stamina (Demonology) has been merged with Fel Intellect into Fel Vitality.
o Howl of Terror now costs 15% of base mana.
o Improved Curse of Weakness (Affliction) is now "Frailty" - Increases the amount of attack power reduced by your Curse of Weakness spell by 10/20%, and increases the amount of armor reduced by your Curse of Recklessness by 10/20%.
o Improved Enslave Demon (Demonology) is now a Tier 5 talent, up from Tier 4.
o Improved Lash of Pain (Destruction) and Improved Firebolt (Destruction) have been merged into one talent, Demonic Power.
o Improved Shadow Bolt (Destruction) - Now increases damage by your next Shadow damage spells by 3/6/9/12/15%, down from 4/8/12/16/20%.
o Mana Feed: Tooltip updated to be more consistent with other similar effects.
o Master Demonologist – Felguard (Demonology) - Now increases all damage by 1/2/3/4/5%, and reduces all damage done to you by 1/2/3/4/5%.
o Master Demonologist – Imp (Demonology) - Now increases Fire damage by 1/2/3/4/5%, and critical hit chance with Fire spells by 1/2/3/4/5%.
o Master Demonologist – Succubus (Demonology) - Now increases Shadow damage by 1/2/3/4/5%, and critical hit chance with Shadow spells by 1/2/3/4/5%.
o Master Demonologist (Demonology) - Most effects have been altered.
o New Talent: Demonic Empowerment (Demonology) - Grants your Summoned Demon power for a short time.
o New Talent: Eradication (Affliction) - Your Corruption, Siphon Life and Curse of Agony ticks have a 5/10/15% chance to increase your spell haste by 20% for 8 sec. This effect has a 10 second cooldown.
o New Talent: Molten Core (Destruction) - Your Shadow spells and damage over time effects have a 5/10/15% chance to increase the damage of your Fire spells by 10% for 6 sec.
o Pyroclasm (Destruction) - Now also includes Conflagrate.
o Shadowfury (Destruction) - Can now be cast while moving. Stun duration increased to 3 seconds, up from 2.
o Soul Link (Demonology) is now an 11-point talent (used to be a 31-point talent), but the 5% bonus damage from this talent has been removed. In addition, the damage absorbed by Soul Link is now 15%, down from 20%.
o Soul Siphon (Affliction): Now also increases the damage of your Drain Soul.
o Suppression (Affliction) is now a 3-point talent, down from 5. Now increases your chance to hit with Affliction spells by 1/2/3%, down from 1/2/3/4/5%.
o Unstable Affliction (Affliction): Silence effect reduced to 3 seconds, down from 5.

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Nombre de messages : 392
Age : 44
Localisation : Isle sur la Sorgue (84)
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2006

[28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Guerrier   [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 18 Juil - 1:03

Citation :

o Anticipation (Protection) now increases chance to dodge by 1/2/3/4/5%, moved to tier 2.
o Challenging Shout cooldown reduced to 3 minutes.
o Death Wish (Fury) no longer makes you immune to Fear effects.
o Death Wish and Sweeping Strikes have swapped locations in their respective talent trees.
o Defensive Stance now increases threat by 45%.
o Defiance (Protection) removed, replaced by Incite and moved to a new location on tier 2.
o Hamstring now only has one rank and no longer causes damage.
o Improved Bloodrage (Protection) now increases rage generation of both the instant and over-time effects by 25/50%.
o Improved Disarm (Protection) now reduces the cooldown of Disarm and Shield Break by 5/10/15 seconds and increases damage taken by disarmed targets by 4/7/10%.
o Improved Shield Block (Protection) now has 2 ranks and reduces cooldown of Shield Block by 5/10 secs. It no longer increases the number of blocks.
o Iron Will (Arms) now has only 3 ranks, reducing the duration of Stun and Charm effects by 10/20/30%.
o Last Stand (Protection) cooldown reduced to 6 minutes.
o Mace Specialization (Arms) can no longer trigger more than once per 6 seconds.
o Mocking Blow now only has one rank and causes weapon damage, cooldown reduced to 1 min and can now be used in Defensive Stance.
o Overpower now only has one rank and no longer causes any bonus damage (i.e. weapon damage only).
o Poleaxe Specialization (Arms) now also increases critical damage done by Axes and Polearms by 1/2/3/4/5%.
o Pummel now only has one rank and no longer causes damage.
o Shield Bash now only has one rank and will cause damage based on a % of AP.
o Shield Block now increases chance to block and amount blocked by 100% for the next attack. Cooldown increased to 30 seconds.
o Shield Slam is now available to all warriors, starting at level 40.
o Shield Specialization (Protection) moved to Tier 1, now increases rage by 2 on a successful block.
o Sword Specialization (Arms) can no longer trigger more than once per 6 seconds.
o Toughness (Protection) moved to tier 3.

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Nombre de messages : 392
Age : 44
Localisation : Isle sur la Sorgue (84)
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2006

[28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Divers   [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 18 Juil - 1:04

Citation :


o The following tradeskills are available to train up to 425: First Aid, Herbalism, Mining, Skinning, Enchanting, and Leatherworking.

User Interface

o The /cower emote now has an animation.
o Macros and key bindings are now saved server-side so there is no longer a need to reconfigure them when logging in using another computer.
o Shift-clicking to loot mail: You can now hold Shift and click on mail in your inbox to automatically loot any items and gold without opening the mail. This default behavior can be changed via Auto Loot Mail in the Interface Options (Controls).
o Combat Log Changes:
+ The combat log now differentiates between a spell failure due to resistance and spell failure due to missing the target. Where once both events reported as a resist; a spell missing the target is now reported as a miss.
+ Overhealing is now reported in the combat log.
+ When a source of damage is entirely prevented (by a shield block, a full resist, or a damage shield like Power Word:Shield, the prevented amount will now be displayed.

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Nombre de messages : 392
Age : 44
Localisation : Isle sur la Sorgue (84)
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2006

[28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk   [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 18 Juil - 5:29

Le simulateur de talents donné précédemment est maintenant à jour par rapport à la version des talents présente dans la première version de la beta de Woltk et cela pour toutes les classes.

Edit : voici une autre version du simulateur de talent que je trouve plus pratique

Bonne simulation.
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Nombre de messages : 392
Age : 44
Localisation : Isle sur la Sorgue (84)
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2006

[28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk   [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 21 Juil - 23:13

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Nombre de messages : 392
Age : 44
Localisation : Isle sur la Sorgue (84)
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2006

[28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk   [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 23 Juil - 0:48

Description des talents des familiers des chasseurs

Pour info :
Citation :

We’re pleased to announce a convenient upgrade to the way that mounts and vanity pets are handled in Wrath of the Lich King.

Players will be able to “learn” a mount or non-combat pet much like learning a spell, recipe, or new ability, and these creatures will then show up on a new Pet tab within the Character Info section of the interface. Players will be able to access and preview their learned mounts and vanity pets through this tab.

Once learned, the pet icon or mount icon will no longer appear in bag spaces or bank spaces. This inventory space will be made available once again for other adventuring needs. Pets can still be set to hotkeys by dragging them to the hotkey bar, much like any other spell or ability.
Pour traduire rapidement, les montures et familiers passifs (genre Trémousse le cochon ou Cacahouète l'elekk) deviendront des sorts et ne prendront donc plus de place en banque/sacs.
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Nombre de messages : 392
Age : 44
Localisation : Isle sur la Sorgue (84)
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2006

[28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk   [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 24 Juil - 4:59

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Nombre de messages : 392
Age : 44
Localisation : Isle sur la Sorgue (84)
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2006

[28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk   [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 25 Juil - 1:23

Un peu plus d'infos sur les familiers de chasseurs :

Les familiers vont être classes en 3 types différents, chaque type donnant accès à un arbre.

Pour l'arbre Cunning (Astucieux), on y trouvera : Bats (chauve-souris),Dragonhawks (Dragon-Faucon),Nether Rays (raie du néant),Birds of Prey (oiseau de proie),Ravagers (ravageur), Serpents (serpent), Spiders (araignée), Spore Bats(Sporoptère),Wind Serpents (serpent des vents). Il correspond à des familiers de soutien.

Pour l'arbre Ferocity (Férocité), on y trouveras : Carrion Birds (Charognard),Cats (félin), Hyenas (hyene),Moths (papillion...) Raptors (raptor), Tallstriders (Haut-trotteur),Wolves (loup). Il correspond au familier dps.

Pour l'arbre Tenacity (ténacité), on y trouveras : Bears (ours), Boars (sanglier), Crabs (crabe), Crocolisks (crocodile), Gorillas (gorille), Scorpids (scorpions), Turtles (tortue), Warp Stalkers (Traqueur dimensionnel). Cela correspond au familier tank.

Au niveau des points de talents, on en obtient 1 tout les 4 niveaux (du joueur) ce qui fait normalement un total de 16pts. On pourra rajouter 5 points via le talent ultime de la branche bête ce qui permettra d'accéder à des talents exclusifs.

Pour le moment, nous n'avons encore aucune info sur les familiers exotiques
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Nombre de messages : 392
Age : 44
Localisation : Isle sur la Sorgue (84)
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2006

[28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Insciption et enchantement + métier   [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 25 Juil - 6:27

Petites infos sur l'inscription :
-L'inscription nécessitera des plantes pour fonctionner (donc herboristerie comme métier de récolte)
-En plus de pouvoir faire des parchemins pouvant améliorer un sort, l'inscription pourra créer des parchemins d'intelligence, agilité et autres.
-L'inscription pourra également créer des parchemins vierges pouvant être enchantés par les enchanteurs pour que ces derniers puissent vendre leurs enchantements à l'AH.
-Normalement (à vérifier donc), certains métiers pourront donner des bonus de caractéristiques (genre force pour minage et agilité pour TdC) selon le niveau de maitrise du dit métier.
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Nombre de messages : 392
Age : 44
Localisation : Isle sur la Sorgue (84)
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2006

[28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk   [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 25 Juil - 7:58

Prochaines modifications des classes prévues pour la beta de Wotlk
Citation :

Death Knight
* Will of the Necropolis now increases your expertise by 3/6/9 instead of 4/8/12
* Blood Gorged now only affects melee damage
* Frost Aura increases your Frost Resistance by 32/65 instead of 22/45.
* Corpse Explosion base damage has been changed from 60 to 216.
* Improved Corpse Explosion now casts a disease on enemy target that deals 36% of the explosion damage over 15 seconds instead of 9 seconds.
* Unholy Aura increases your Shadow Resistance by 32/65 instead of 22/45.

* Moonkin Form mana cost has been changed from 22% base mana to 538 mana.
* Typhoon mana cost has been increased from 475 to 645 and the range changed from 20 to 24 Yards.
* Force of Nature mana cost has been changed from 12% base mana to 284 mana. Cooldown has been reduced from 3 to 2 minutes.
* Starfall mana cost has been increased from 655 to 866. Range increased from 30 to 36 yards. Damage seems to be changed as well but it looks like unlike other class spells, the version displayed in the talent calculator isn't the first rank of the spell.

* Faerie Fire range has been increased from 30 to 36 yards.
* Primal Tenacity now increases your chance to resist Stun and Fear mechanics by 5/10/15% (Old version : Reduces the duration of Fear effects by 5/10/15% and reduces all damage taken while stunned by 5/10/15%)
* Improved Mangle now reduces the cooldown of your Mangle (Bear) ability by 7% (instead of 0.5 sec) and reduces the energy cost of your Mangle (Cat) ability by 2.
* Tree of Life mana cost reduced from 28% base mana to 978 mana.
* Flourish mana cost decreased from 585 to 450. Amount of healing decreased (Rank 1 now heals 672 HP instead of 1610).

* Hunting Party now gives your critical shots a 20/30/40/50/60% chance to restore 2% mana, 10 energy, 4 rage, or 10 runic power to all member of your party. (Old version : 20/40/60/80/100% chance)
* Potent Venom now increases the amount of damage done to targets afflicted by your Wyvern or Serpent Sting by 1% regardless of the rank. (Old version : Increased the damage by 1% for each rank, up to 3%)

* Arcane Impact is now called Spell Impact and increases the critical strike chance of Arcane Explosion, Arcane Blast, Blast Wave, Fire Blast, Ice Lance, and Cone of Cold by 2/4/6% (Old version : Was only affecting Arcane Explosion / Arcane Blast)
* New Talent - Student of the Mind (Tier 3) - Increases your total spirit by 4/8/12%
* Arcane Potency now requires 1 Point in Presence of Mind instead of 5 points in Arcane Concentration
* Potent Spirit has been removed
* New Talent - Arcane Flows (Tier 8, requires 1 point in Arcane Power) - Reduces the cooldown of your Presence of Mind, Arcane Power, and Invisibility spells by 30 secs.
* Netherwind Presence now increases your spell haste by 2/4/6% (Old version : Gives your Arcane Missiles, Arcane Barrage, Arcane Blast, Fireball, Frostbolt, and Forstfire Bolt spells a 1/2/3/4/5% chance to cause the next Arcane Blast, Fireball, Frostbolt or Frostfire Bolt to be instant.)
* Arctic Reach doesn't influence Ice Lance anymore

* The amount of health point healed by Holy Shock has been increased by 66%. (eg. Rank 7 now heals for 2401-2599 instead of 1431-1549)
* Infusion of Light now reduces the cast time of your next Holy Light spell by 1.3/2.5 secs instead of 1.25/2.5 secs.
* Holy Shield will now give you 6 charges instead of 4.
* Avenger's Shield mana cost reduced by 70%, damage has been reduced. (eg. Rank 3 now deals 494-602 damage for 780 mana instead of 705-861 for 1745 mana)
* Guarded by the Light now reduces the mana cost of your Consecration, Holy Wrath and Avenger's Shield by 15/30% (Old version : Whenever your parry or dodge an attack you have a 10% chance to reduce the mana cost of your next Consecration, Holy Wrath, or Avenger's Shield spell by 25%/50%)
* Improved Blessing of Might now increases the attack power bonus of your Blessing of Might by 10/20/30/40/50% instead of 4/8/12/16/20%
* Vindication now has a chance to reduce the target's attributes by 10/20% for 15 seconds. (Old version : 5/10% reduction)
* Pursuit of Justice is now a 2 rank talents (was 3), reducing the change to be hit by spells by 1/2% and mounted movement speed by 9/15% (Old version : 1/2/3% hit and 5/10/15% mounted speed)
* Repentance now costs 395 mana instead of 9% of base mana.

* Fixed a typo in Honor Amongst Thieves, now gives a 10/20/30% to gain a combo point when you or someone in your group critically hits with a damage, healing, or spell ability. (Was ... 100/200/300%)

* Convection (Tier 1) is now a 3 points talent, reducing the mana cost of Shock, Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Thunder and Lava Burst spells by 4%/8%/12% (Old version : 5 points and 2/4/6/8/10%)
* Concussion doesn't affect Lava Burst and Thunderstorm anymore.
* Storm Reach now also increases the radius of your Thunderstorm spell by 10% along with the range improvement on Lightning Bolt / Chain Lightning.
* Elemental precision increases your chance to hit with Fire, Frost, and Nature spells by 2/4/6% and reduces the threat caused by these spells by 4/7/10% (Old version : 1/2/3% hit and 10/20/30% threat)
* Astral Shift now has a 33/66/100% chance to shift into the Astral Plane reducing all damage taken by 30% (Old version : 100% chance to reduce all damage taken by 10%/20%/30%)
* Thunderstorm range increased from 10 to 12 yards, damage increased from 595-679 to 640-729, knockback stays 20 yards.
* Improved shields now increases the amount of Mana Shield orbs by 10% instead of 5%, improvements to Lightning Shield and Earth Shield stay the same.
* Shamanistic Rage now gives your successful melee attacks a chance to regenerate mana equal to 15% of your attack power. (Old version : mana regeneration equal to 30% of your attack power)
* Maelstrom Weapon now reduces the casting time of any spell by 4/8/12/16/20% when you critically hit with a melee weapon. (Old version : was only affecting Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, and Lava Burst)
* Feral Spirit now lasts 45 seconds instead of 30 seconds.
* Nature's Guardian cooldown has been changed from 8 to 5 seconds.
* Spirit Link now also breaks if a shared damage would reduce a target's health below 20%.

* Bloodletting has been renamed to Improved Rend once again and doesn't increase the amount of damage caused by Bloodbath anymore.
* Fixed a typo in Second Wind, Stun or Immobilize effects generate 10/20 rage. (Old version ... 100/200 ^^)
* Shield Specialization now gives you a chance to generate 1 rage when a block occurs. (Old version : 2 Rage)

* Death's Embrace (Tier 9) does not affect Shadowburn anymore. Haunt has replaced Shadowburn here.
* Haunt (Tier 11) has been changed from a 10 sec cooldown to a 15 sec cooldown.
* Soul Link (Tier 3) is not required for Unholy Power anymore.
* Master Demonologist (Tier 6) is no longer required to take Demonic Empowerment (Tier 7)
* Aftermath (Tier 2) changed to 2%/4% chance to daze the target for 5 sec. (Previously 5/10% for 5 sec)
* Chaos Bolt (Tier 11) changed to an 8 sec cooldown. (Previously 12 secs)
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Nombre de messages : 392
Age : 44
Localisation : Isle sur la Sorgue (84)
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2006

[28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk   [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 25 Juil - 13:26

Petite info au passage :
Beaucoup de sorts ont vue leur coup en mana passer d'une valeur X à une valeur en pourcentage de la mana de base.
Cette mana de base correspond au total de mana de votre personnage à poil et sans buff. Donc n'ayez pas peur en voyant certains chiffres Wink
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Nombre de messages : 392
Age : 44
Localisation : Isle sur la Sorgue (84)
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2006

[28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk   [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 25 Juil - 13:36

Je confirme mes dires sur les compétences de métiers amenant une amélioration de compétences.
Le minage améliorera l'endurance de 3/5/7/10/20/32 et le dépeçage améliorera le score de critique de 3/63/9/12/15/25.
Le Chevalier de la mort aura accès à un métier spécifique : RuneForging (création de rune) servant à créer et poser des enchantements sur arme (pas cumulable avec les enchantements classiques).
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Nombre de messages : 392
Age : 44
Localisation : Isle sur la Sorgue (84)
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2006

[28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk   [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 28 Juil - 5:05

En plus de la mise en place d'un système de stockage pour les familiers non-combattants et les montures, un système pour stocker les marques de BGs ou les badges d'instance héroïques va être mis en place.
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Nombre de messages : 392
Age : 44
Localisation : Isle sur la Sorgue (84)
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2006

[28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk   [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 28 Juil - 23:15

Dernières modifications de classe :
Citation :

Death Knight
Class changes list in the work, check the updated talent calculator for all the changes

Class changes list in the work, check the updated talent calculator for all the changes

* Primal Tenacity now reduces the duration of Fear effects by 10/20/30% and reduces all damage taken while stunned by 10/20/30%. (Old version - 5/10/15% fear reduction and 5/10/15% damage reduction while stunned)
* Infected Wounds effect now reduces the movement speed of the target by 10% and its attack speed by 3%. (Old version - 10% reduction to both movement and attack speed)


* Replenish now gives a 5/10/15% chance to restore 10 Energy/5 Rage/ 2% Mana or 10 Runic Power per tick. (Old version - 10 Energy/4 Rage/2% Mana/10 Runic Power)

Class changes list in the work, check the updated talent calculator for all the changes

Class changes list in the work, check the updated talent calculator for all the changes


* Arcane Subtley - Lower your target's resistances by 5/10 changed to 15/30% dispel resist
* Wand Specialization - Removed
* Arcane Fortitude - Moved to Wand Specialization's spot, changed to 3 ranks, now provides 50/100/150% of your Intellect into armor.
* Magic Absorption - Changed to 2 ranks, increases resistances by .5/1 per level, now only restores 1/2% of mana on full resist.
* Arcane Impact - Renamed Spell Impact. Now increases the damage of your Arcane Explosion, Arcane Blast, Blast Wave, Fire Blast, Ice Lance, and Cone of Cold by 2/4/6%.
* Student of the Mind - Moved to Tier 3
* Focus Magic - New Tier 3 talent, increases magic damage taken by the target by 150, lasts 1 min or 50 charges.
* Improved Mana Shield - Renamed Arcane Shielding, now increases the armor and resistances gained by the mage by 25/50%.
* Improved Blink - Now reduces the mana cost of Blink by 25/50%, and chance to be hit for 4 sec after Blink by 15/30%.
* Prismatic Cloak - Now reduces damage taken by 2/4/6% and Invisibility fade time by 1/2/3 sec
* Arcane Potency - Reduced to 2 ranks, connected to Presence of Mind instead of Clearcasting, Increases critical strike chance of any spell by 30% when
* Empowered Arcane Missiles - Renamed Arcane Empowerment, now Increases the damage of your Arcane Missiles spell by an amount equal to 15/30/45% of your spell power and the damage of your Arcane Blast by 3/6/9% of your spell power.
* Potent Spirit - Removed, replaced by Arcane Flows. Reduces the cooldown of your Presence of Mind, Arcane Power and Invisibility spells by 30/60 secs.
* Netherwind Presence - Reduced to 3 ranks and moved up a tier, now increases your spell haste by 2/4/6%.
* Missile Barrage - Added in place of Netherwind Presence. Gives your Arcane Blast, Fireball, Frostbolt and Frostfire Bolt spells a 15% chance to reduce the channeled duration of the next Arcane Missiles spell by 2.5 secs and fire missiles every .5 secs.


* Improved Fire Blast - Moved to Tier 1, now 2 ranks, Reduces the cooldown of your Fire Blast spell by 1/2 sec.
* Incineration - Moved to tier 1, now 3 ranks, Increases the critical strike chance of your Fire Blast, Scorch, Arcane Blast and Cone of Cold spells by 2/4/6%.
* Burning Determination - New Tier 2 talent, When Interrupted or Silenced you have a 50/100% chance to become immune to both mechanics for 10 seconds.
* World in Flames - Moved to Tier 2, Increases the critical strike chance of your Flamestrike, Blast Wave, Dragon's Breath, Living Bomb, Blizzard and Arcane Explosion spells by 2/4/6%.
* Flame Throwing - Moved to Tier 3
* Impact - Moved to Tier 3
* Pyroblast - Cast time reduced to 5 seconds
* Improved Scorch - More damage types added, now your Scorch spells have a 33/66/100% chance to cause your target to be vulnerable to Fire, Frost and Arcane damage, increasing damage taken by 2/4/6/6/10% and lasts 30 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times.
* Master of Elements - Fire and frost wording removed, now your spell criticals will refund 10% of their base mana cost.
* Blast Wave - Knockback added, now a wave of flame radiates outward from the caster, damaging all enemies caught within the blast for 154 to 186 Fire damage, knocking them back and Dazing them for 6 seconds.
* Fiery Payback - Changed to, When below 35% health all Physical and Fire damage taken is reduced by 10/20% and your Pyroblast spell's cast time is reduced by 1.75/3.5 secs.
* Empowered Fireball - Changed to 3 ranks, Increases the damage of your Fireball spell by an amount equal to 5/10/15% of your spell power.
* Firestarter - New talent added, Your Blast Wave and Dragon's Breath spells have a 15/30/45% chance to make your next Flamestrike spell instant cast. Lasts 10 seconds.
* Dragon's Breath - Disorient changed from 3 sec to 5 sec
* Burnout - Talent changed to read, Increases your spell critical damage bonus with all Fire spells by 5/10/15/20/25% but your spell criticals cost an additional 1/2/3/4/5% of the spell's cost.
* Living Bomb - Mana drain added, The caster becomes a living bomb, causing 51 Fire damage to all enemies within 10 yards every 2 sec. After 6 seconds, a fiery explosion occurs causing 212 Fire damage to all enemies within 10 yards and burning 106 mana, dealing damage equal to the amount drained.


* Shattered Barrier - New Tier 6 talent that gives your Ice Barrier spell a 50/100% chance to trigger a Frost Nova when it is destroyed.
* Winter's Grasp - Renamed to Fingers of Frost, which gives your Frost damage spells a 5/10% chance to apply the Fingers of Frost effect, which treats your next Frost spell cast on the target as if the target were Frozen. Lasts 10 seconds.
* Brain Freeze - Changed to give your Frost damage spells have a 5/10/15% chance to cause your next Fireball spell to be instant cast and cost no mana.
* Improved Water Elemental - Changed to increase the duration of your Summon Water Elemental spell by 5/10/1515 sec and your Water Elemental heals all party or raid members 1/2/3% of their total health every 5 secs.
* Chilled to the Bone - Changed to increase the damage caused by your Frostbolt, Frostfire Bolt and Ice Lance spells by 1/2/3/4/5% and reduces the movement speed of all chilled targets by an additional 2/4/6/8/10%.
* Deep Freeze - Damage added, causes 694 to 806 Frost damage and stuns the target for 5 seconds. Only usable on Frozen targets.

Class changes list in the work, check the updated talent calculator for all the changes

Class changes list in the work, check the updated talent calculator for all the changes

* Rapture: Divine Aegis shield effect was added to also give back 5% of the damage absorbed in mana. (Causes you to gain mana equal to 0.5/1.0/1.5/2.0/2.5% of the healing done by your Greater Heal, Flash Heal and Penance spells, and 5% the damage absorbed by your Power Word: Shield and Divine Aegis is returned as mana to you.)
* Aspiration: The cooldown of Penance is now also reduced by this talent. (Reduces the cooldown of your Inner Focus, Power Infusion, Pain Suppression and Penance spells by 10/20%.)
* Improved Healing: Now affects Penance. (Reduces the mana cost of your Lesser Heal, Heal, Greater Heal and Penance spells by 5/10/15%.)
* Circle of Healing: Cooldown removed. Rank 1 Mana cost changed from 300 to 370.
* Penance: Rank 1 damage component lowered from 437 to 184 holy damage. Now instant cast. (Launches a volley of holy light at the target, causing 184 Holy damage to an enemy, or 670 to 756 healing to an ally every 1 sec for 3 seconds. Cooldown : 10 Seconds)
* Dispersion: Cooldown reduced to 3 minutes down from 5 minutes.

Class changes list in the work, check the updated talent calculator for all the changes

Class changes list in the work, check the updated talent calculator for all the changes

Class changes list in the work, check the updated talent calculator for all the changes

* Destruction: Bane?-same problem as Venara
* Destruction: Molten core now has a 5%/10%/15% chance, up from 4%/7%/10%
* Destruction: Destructive Reach? Woo, same problem
* Destruction: Nether Protection has been changed; now gives you a 10%/20%/30% chance once a spell (of any school) hits you you reduce all damage from that school by 60% for 10 secs.
* Destruction: Emberstorm now reduces the cast time of Immolate by 0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4/0.5 instead of 2%/4%/6%/8%/10%
* Destruction: Soul Leech? Woo! Same problem.
* Destruction: Improved Soul Leech now restores mana to you and your summoned demon by 5%/10%, down from 15%/30%.
* Destruction: Backdraft is now fixed, ranks now reduce cast time and mana cost of your next three destruction spells by 10%/20%/30%.
* Destruction: Empowered Imp has been implemented and now all critical hits done by your imp have a 33%/66%/100% chance to increase your spell critical hit chance for your next spell by 100%, up from a 20%/40%/60% chance.
* Destruction: Eternal Flames no longer has a chance to refresh the duration of your immolate on the target.
* Destruction: Chaos Bolt is no longer implemented.
* Affliction: Fel Concentration now gives you a 14%/28%/42%/56%/70% chance to avoid interruption while casting unstable affliction and haunt.
* Affliction: Improved Felhunter has been changed, it now gains mana equal to 50%/100% of its shadow bite ability and it increases the effect of the felhunter's fel intellect by 1%/2%.
* Affliction: Eradication now only has a chance to increase your spell casting speed on corruption ticks, instead of corruption and unstable affliction ticks.
* Affliction: Haunt now increases all damage done by your damage over time effects on the target by 20%, up from 15%.
* Demonology: Demonic Embrace now just increases your stamina by 2%/4%/6%/8%/10%, independent of your spirit.
* Demonology: Demonic Sacrifice now grants you an effect depending on the summoned demon for 30 minutes, instead of just flat out increasing your spell haste and spell damage.
* Demonology: Master Demonologist- The felhunter effect has been changed, it now reduces all spell damage taken by 2%/4%/6%/8%/10%, instead of increasing all resistances by 0.2/0.4/0.6/0.8/1.
* Demonology: Demonic Empowerment has been implemented and the succubus effect has been changed that once the succubus goes into the improved invisibility state, all stuns and movement imparing effects are removed, in addition, instead of the felhunter effect reseting all of the cooldowns, it now dispells all magical effects on the felhunter.
* Demonology: Love Struck is now Improved Demonic Tactics; it increases your demon's critical strike chance by 10%/20%/30% of your critical strike chance.
* Demonology: Demonic Empathy has been changed so that when you or pet hits with a critical strike, the other's damage done by their next 3 spells or abilities is increased by 2%/4%/6%.
* Demonology: Metamorphosis no longer restores your health and mana when you switch in and out of the form, however, the duration of stuns and movement impairing effects are reduced by 50%

Class changes list in the work, check the updated talent calculator for all the changes
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Nombre de messages : 392
Age : 44
Localisation : Isle sur la Sorgue (84)
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2006

[28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk   [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 28 Juil - 23:17

Exemples de Glyphes (enchantements de sorts créés par la calligraphie (nouveau nom de l'inscription))
Citation :


* Glyph Mastery (Passive) - Unlocks an additional Glyph.


* Venomous Mana (Glyph Passive) - Empowers a Greater Glyph to grant your Viper Sting ability an additional 15% chance to resist dispel effects.


* Glyph of the Penguin - Empowers a Minor Glyph to cause your Polymorph: Sheep spell to turn the target into a baby penguin.


* Glyph of Natural Force (Class: Druid) - Empowers a Greater Glyph to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting your Wrath spells by 50%.
* Glyph of Moonfire (Class: Druid) - Empowers a Lesser Glyph to reduce the rage cost of your Demoralizing Roar by 20.
* Glyph of Thorns (Class: Druid) - Empowers a Minor Glyph to reduce the mana cost of your Thorns spells by %s1%.
* Glyph of Wild Endurance (Class: Druid) - Empowers a Minor Glyph to increase the duration of your Mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild spells by 30 min.
* Glyph of the White Bear - Changes the appearance of your bear and dire bear forms to that of a polar bear.
* Glyph of Frenzied Regeneration - While Frenzied Regeration is active, healing effects on you are 20% more powerful.
* Glyph of Growl - Increases the chance for your Growl ability to work successfully by 8%.
* Glyph of Mangle - Increases the duration of Mangle by 6 sec.
* Glyph of Swipe - Your Swipe ability now hits 1 additional target.
* Glyph of Shred - Increases the damage dealt by Shred to stunned and incapacitated targets by 20%.
* Glyph of Rip - Increases the duration of your Rip ability by 3 sec.
* Glyph of Rake - Your Rake ability prevents targets from fleeing.
* Glyph of Swiftmend - Your Swiftmend ability no longer consumes a Rejuvenation or Regrowth effect from the target.
* Glyph of Innervate - Your innervate ability now has an additional 20% strength mana regeneration effect on you in addition to the effect on your primary target.
* Glyph of Rebirth - Increases the amount of health on a character brought back to life via Rebirth by 100%.
* Glyph of Regrowth - Increases the amount of your initial Regrowth heal by 50% if your Regrowth effect is still active on the target.
* Glyph of Rejuvenation- While your rejuvenation targets are below 50% health you will heal them for an additional 50% health.
* Glyph of Healing Touch - Decreases the cast time of Healing Touch by 1.5 sec., the mana cost by -25% and the amount healed by -50%.
* Glyph of Lifebloom - Increases the duration of Lifebloom by 1 sec.
* Glyph of Starfire - Your Starfall ability increases the duration of your Moonfire effect on the target by 3 sec.
* Glyph of Insect Swarm - Increases the damage of your Insect Swarm ability by 30% but it no longer affects your victim's chance to hit.
* Glyph of Hurricane - Your Hurricane ability now also slows the movement speed of its victims by -20%.
* Glyph of Starfall- Increases the duration of Starfall by 2 sec.
* Glyph of Wrath - Increases the chance you'll resist spell interruption when casting your Wrath spell by 50%.
* Glyph of Moonfire - Increases the periodic damage of your Moonfire ability by 75% but initial damage is decreased by -90%.
* Glyph of Entangling Roots - Increases the damage your Entangling Roots victims can take before the Entangling Roots automatically breaks by 20%.
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Nombre de messages : 392
Age : 44
Localisation : Isle sur la Sorgue (84)
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2006

[28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk   [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 28 Juil - 23:19

Un système de calendrier en jeu va être implémenté.
Ce système permettra de connaitre les dates de certains évènements en jeu (foire de Sombrelune, reset d'instances, évent saisonnier, etc.) et permettre de prévoir des raids.
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Nombre de messages : 392
Age : 44
Localisation : Isle sur la Sorgue (84)
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2006

[28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk   [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 29 Juil - 0:42

Frankark a écrit:

Au niveau des points de talents, on en obtient 1 tout les 4 niveaux (du joueur) ce qui fait normalement un total de 16pts. On pourra rajouter 5 points via le talent ultime de la branche bête ce qui permettra d'accéder à des talents exclusifs.
Petite correction à ce sujet :
Tous les chasseurs auront accès à tous les talents des familiers. Par contre, les chasseurs ayant pris le talent ultime bête auront accès à plus de talents vue qu'ils auront 5 pts de talents en plus.
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Nombre de messages : 392
Age : 44
Localisation : Isle sur la Sorgue (84)
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2006

[28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk   [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 29 Juil - 5:50

Petite info en passant :
le cout de progression des métiers dans Wotlk est, actuellement, de l'ordre de 100po le métier...
Il faudra donc prévoir un minimum de finances (entre 200 et 500po) avant de se lancer dans l'aventure des métiers de Norfendre...
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Nombre de messages : 392
Age : 44
Localisation : Isle sur la Sorgue (84)
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2006

[28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk   [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 29 Juil - 6:56

Modification de l'interface avec la possibilité de voir les PVs de toutes les cibles de type PnJ sans addon.
Modification dans le principe de fonctionnement de la regen mana/énergie qui augmentera de façon continue et non plus par bloc.
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Nombre de messages : 392
Age : 44
Localisation : Isle sur la Sorgue (84)
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2006

[28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk   [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 29 Juil - 7:39

Ajout d'une compétence passive en alchimie (nécessite 50 de compétence) nommée Alchemical Blood qui améliore l'effet des potions, élixirs, flasques que l'on peut fabriquer.

Ajout d'un debuff sur les potions empêchant dans prendre 2 pendant un combat.

Ajout d'un debuff sur les tambours empêchant de les utiliser à la suite.
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Nombre de messages : 392
Age : 44
Localisation : Isle sur la Sorgue (84)
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2006

[28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk   [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 30 Juil - 6:53

Ajout au moteur du jeu d'un système d'ombres dynamiques (ombres qui prennent la forme du joueur et qui suivent son mouvement). Cela prendra quelques ressources de plus mais sera désactivable.
Ajout de nouvelles montures terrestres(ours polaire, mammouth) et volantes (griffon squelettique).
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Nombre de messages : 392
Age : 44
Localisation : Isle sur la Sorgue (84)
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2006

[28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Nouvelle version du dernier patch note de la beta   [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 31 Juil - 3:50

Citation :

Racial Abilities
* Arcane Torrent (Blood Elf) global cooldown removed.

Death Knight
* Death Knight spells that cost runes will now display the rune cooldowns on the spell buttons.

* Arcane Blast effect duration reduced to 3 seconds, and now increases damage by 15/30/45% instead of reducing cast time.
* Arcane Impact renamed Spell Impact and now affects Blast Wave, Fire Blast, Cone of Cold, and Ice Lance.
* Arcane Potency now applies when Presence of Mind is active, talent prerequisite changed to Presence of Mind.
* Conjured mana gems no longer disappear from your backpack after being logged out for more than 15 minutes. Higher ranks of Conjure Mana Gem will recharge an existing mana gem to maximum charges.
* Empowered Arcane Missiles renamed Arcane Empowerment and no longer increases mana cost. It now also increases damage caused by Arcane Blast.
* Improved Blink now also reduces mana cost by 25/50%.
* Improved Mana Shield has been renamed to Arcane Shielding and now also increases resistances granged by Mage Armor by 25/50%.
* Remove Lesser Curse has been renamed to Remove Curse.

* Consecration now scales with attack power and spell power.
* Divine Protection now reduces all damage taken by 50% and increases time between attacks by 100%.
* Exorcism mana cost reduced and now scales with attack power and spell power.
* Eye for an Eye now reflects 10/20% damage from all critical hits.
* Fanaticism now increases chance to critically hit by 5/10/15/20/25%.
* Forbearance duration increased to 3 minutes.
* Improved Blessing of Might increased to 10/20/30/40/50%.
* Judgement has been replaced with 3 new spells; Judgement of Light, Judgement of Wisdom, and Judgement of Justice. All Judgement spells are considered ranged attacks for purposes of how they hit and how they critically hit. All cause damage based on attack power and spell power.

- Judgement of Light now heals based on the Paladin’s attack power and spell power, the effect can not trigger more than once ever 4 seconds.
- Judgement of Justice will no longer prevent Fear effects, but will only prevent NPCs from fleeing (e.g. at low health).
- Judgement of Wisdom now restores mana based on the Paladin’s attack power and spell power, the effect can not trigger more than once every 4 seconds.

* Precision has been removed.
* Pursuit of Justice reduced to 2 ranks for 8/15% movement increase and 1/2% less chance to be hit by spells.
* Righteous Defense no longer costs mana and the global cooldown has been removed.
* Sacred Duty now also reduces the cooldown of Divine Protection.
* All Seals have been reduced to 1 rank and now cost 14% of base mana. The duration has been increased to 2 minutes and are no longer consumed when a Judgement spell is cast. The effects can be triggered from all weapon based special abilities.

- Seal of Blood now increases Judgement damabe by 45% of weapon damage.
- Seal of Command now increases Judgement damage by 30% of weapon damage, 60% on stunned targets.
- Seal of the Crusader has been removed. The effects of Judgement of the Crusader have been folded into all relevant abilities.
- Seal of Righteousness deals damage based on weapons peed plus an amount based on attack power and spell power, increases Judgement damage by 25%.
- Seal of Vengeance damage over time effect duration increased to 18 seconds and now applies its effect on every swing, causes damage based on attack power and spell power, and increases Judgement damage by 10% per stack of the damage over time effect.

* Summon Warhorse and Summon Charger mana cost removed and no longer causes a global cooldown.
* Vindication reduced to 2 ranks for 10/20% attribute reduction.
* Silence (Shadow) global cooldown removed.

* Energy regeneration should now be smoother.

* Avoidance (Felguard): Now reduces damage taken from area of effect attacks by an additional 80% and is automatically learned for the Succubus, Imp, Voidwalker, and Felhunter at level 10.
* Bane now reduces the cast time of your Haunt spell.
* Consume Shadows (Voidwalker): Duration reduced to 6 seconds, and effect increased 66%. Now also greatly increases all nearby allies’ stealth detection while channeled.
* Demonic Sacrifice: Succubus effect reduced to 10% increased shadow damage, down from 15%. Imp effect reduced to 10% increased fire damage, down from 15%. Felguard effect now increases Fire and Shadow damage, instead of just Shadow.
* Doomguard: Health increased 20%, mana increased 24%.
* Emberstorm now reduces the cast time of your incinerate by 0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4/0.5 seconds.
* Fel Armor - Now increases your spell damage equal to 30% of your total Spirit, but no longer increases healing done by spells and effects by 20%.
* Felguard: Health increased by 10%.
* Felhunter: Paranoia and Tainted Blood have been replaced with Fel Intelligence and Shadow Bite.
* Fel Intelligence (Felhunter): Increases total Intellect and Spirit of party and raid members by 3%. Lasts until cancelled.
* Infernal: Cooldown reduced to 15 minutes, down from 1 hour. Duration reduced to 1 minute, down from 5 minutes+. Health increased by 30%, damage increased by 60%, and armor increased by 30%.
* Imp: Health increased by 20% , Armor increased 16%, mana regeneration increased 200%.
* Master Demonologist (Demonology) - Most effects have been altered.

- Master Demonologist – Felguard (Demonology) - Now increases all damage by 1/2/3/4/5%, and reduces all damage done to you by 1/2/3/4/5%.
- Master Demonologist – Imp (Demonology) - Now increases Fire damage by 1/2/3/4/5%, and critical hit chance with Fire spells by 1/2/3/4/5%.
- Master Demonologist – Succubus (Demonology) - Now increases Shadow damage by 1/2/3/4/5%, and critical hit chance with Shadow spells by 1/2/3/4/5%.
- Master Demonologist (Demonology) - Most effects have been altered.

* Nether Protection has been reworked. It now has a 10/20/30% chance when you’re hit with a spell to reduce all damage by that spell school by 60% for 10 seconds.
* New Talent: Improved Felhunter (Affliction): Your Felhunter gains mana equal to 50/100% of the damage done by its Shadow Bite ability, and increases the effect of your Felhunter’s Fel Intelligence by 1/2%.
* Rain of Fire (Doomguard): A bug has been fixed which caused each tick of Rain of Fire to consume its mana cost.
* Shadow Bite (Felhunter): Deals Shadow damage plus an additional 5% Shadow damage over time effect on the target. 6 second cooldown.
* Soulstone now generates a log entry indicating who casted and received a soulstone.
* Spell Lock (Felhunter) global cooldown removed.
* Succubus: Health increased by 20%, armor increased 22%.
* Summon Dreadsteed/Felsteed: Mana cost removed, global cooldown removed.
* Voidwalker: Health increased by 20%, Damage increased by 16%. The amount of attack power the Voidwalker gains from its master’s spell damage has been increased by 45%.

* Medallion of the Horde and Insignia of the Alliance are now available for purchase on PvP vendors. For the purposes of testing these currently cost only gold to buy.

* Drums now cause a Tinnitus effect, preventing affected targets from receiving beneficial effects from other drums for two minutes.

* Smelt Elementium must be relearned by players who still wish to know the spell by visiting a trainer in Blackwing Lair.

* Alliance characters on the “Check in With Bizie” quest in Borean Tundra can now ask Kara Thricestar for a flying machine ride out to Bizie Wrenchshanker.
* The “Escape from Winterfin Retreat” quest is now named “Escape from the Winterfin Caverns”. The escort is shorter and no longer requires a pre-requisite quest to get a key.
* There is now a new murloc questgiver named Glrglrglr within the Winterfin Caverns. This questgiver needs you to ge the key to his cage so that he can be set free. This is not an escort quest.
* Fewer cannonballs are now required for the Alliance quest “Danger! Explosives!”.
* Petrov’s Cluster Bombs no longer cause caster procs during the Alliance quest “Break the Blockade”.
* The Alliance quest, “Break the Blockade” no longer caps out at revered Valiance Expedition faction.
* During the Alliance quest “Hah…You’re Not So Big Now!”, Crafty’s Ultra-Advanced Proto-Typical Shortening Blaster no longer has a chance to transform the character into a magnataur. Instead it has a chance to transform the character into the likeness of Crafty Wobblesprocket.
* In Dragonblight, the “Ley Line” questline was reworked so that players are led into and must first complete the quests at the Ruby Dragonshrine before they will be given an audience with Queen Alexstrasza.
* The quest character Kor’ghan (Finding the Antidote) was moved to just outside the Cleft of Shadow’s poison vendor.

User Interface
* New Calendar feature: Players will be able to access the new Calendar feature by clicking on the new icon located in the top right corner of their mini map. The calendar will track in game events, allow raid scheduling, and more.
* New Vanity Pet and Mount changes: Players will now be able to access their non-combat pets and mounts by clicking on the pets tab in the Character Info panel. These pets and mounts will be now learnable much like spells or abilities. Once a vanity pet or mount is learned, the icon will disappear from within a player’s inventory and reappear in the appropriate tab under the pet tab under Character Info. Say goodbye to your vanity pets and mounts taking up bag and bank slots!
* Error messages should play less frequently
* Tradeskills can now be linked by shift-clicking the tradeskill icon
* Quests can be shared with party members at any distance
* Quests can be shared with party members by linking the quest into party chat
* Quests can be shared in raids but not battlegrounds
* A 5 minute timer will appear over the player’s unit frame showing the countdown until your PvP flag is cleared
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Nombre de messages : 392
Age : 44
Localisation : Isle sur la Sorgue (84)
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2006

[28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Séries de modifs futures   [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 31 Juil - 3:52

Citation :

Hunters / Warlock Pet Management in WotLK
There are 2 additional slots in the stable. Integrating hunter / warlock pet management into the new mount and companion UI has certainly come up already. Let's give the new UI a whirl and see if it works and then we can consider if it makes sense to integrate the stable or anything else into it.

Lake Wintergrasp
There will be a lot of tuning and balancing of the zone done in the coming months. One thing we are looking to do though to help with population imbalances is impose certain benefits for the side with less players in the zone. For instance, since supplies will be necessary to unlock certain vehicles, the side with the population handicap may see a decrease in requirements. We may also offer increasingly more supply benefits for a faction if they are suffering from consecutive losses in Lake Wintergrasp. The goal is to even the playing field regardless of faction population balances across all realms.

We plan to give Lake Wintergrasp a definitive play time where the event may last somewhere around 45 minutes. The event would not start again for a set amount of time after the battle is won. We will tune these times as testing further develops. The plan, additionally, is to provide certain incentives for visiting this zone between battles.

Pets should be able to hold aggro, especially tanking pets with the right spec. Class dps in general is something we are still evaluating, because honestly it's a lot of wasted work if we haven't finalized the abilities yet. Once we have a feel for how much dps a hunter can do, and how much threat you generate, we'll adjust pets accordingly.

In the next data push, you will find Omen of Clarity has been changed a bit. The 10 second cooldown has been removed, the procs per minute has been raised from 2 to 3.5, and melee abilities no longer trigger it. Spell interaction with Omen of Clarity remains relatively unchanged, with its hidden chance to trigger off spells reduced by half (and rolling the dice about 2x as often).

What this means is that more auto-attacks landing on the target will increase the benefit from Omen of Clarity. Haste, increased hit chance, and expertise will all make Omen of Clarity better.

We are aware of the concerns with reaching the hit rating cap, and will make sure Druids can pick up Rogue items to wear without exceeding that cap. This means Rogues will likely socket for hit, while Druids socket for Strength or Agility.

Before LK goes live, we will do extensive testing on how much damage classes do, and will increase or decrease their power as appropriate to meet our targets. Cat raid DPS suffered relative to other melee in BC for lack of an Combat Potency equivalent talent (OOC should now be roughly equal), for lack of a scaling finishing move (Savage Roar answers that), for lack of benefitting from Windfury Totem, and for lack of weapon procs (+35 agility != Mongoose). All of those lacks have been addressed. In addition, a change has been made to make the agility rebalance less severe (as I posted in another thread).

In PvP, we are adding many tools to the Feral Druid arsenal, including the redesigned Maim, Infected Wounds, King of the Jungle, and Berserk. We have also made some improvements to the "range bug". Attacks that require you to be behind a target will no longer be able to be parried, nor able to be dodged by a player. Our movement engine will now smoothly interpolate positions of moving units, preventing the "Out of range/You must be behind your target/Out of range/You must be behind your target/Out of range/You must be behind your target..." sequence from occuring any more. In addition, being able to apply a snare makes the Feral Druid able to slow down their target and lessen the severity of the "range bug". Yes, there are still issues with the model, especially when switching into and out of cat form, but many of the issues are being dealt with.
To help deal with this issue, in the next data push, Druids should find their melee critical strike chance is about 5% higher.

The conversion of agility to critical strike chance remains the same 40:1 at level 70, but the base amount for 0 agility has been increased by 5%.
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Nombre de messages : 392
Age : 44
Localisation : Isle sur la Sorgue (84)
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2006

[28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk   [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 1 Aoû - 6:00

Mike Morhaime, le big boss de Blizzard, a annoncé que Wotlk ne serait pas lancé pour le trimestre juillet-septembre 2008 mais qu'il serait quand même livré en 2008.
La date autour de fion octobre 2008 que l'on peut trouver sur certains sites commerciaux (FNAC, Amazon) pourrait ne pas être si fausse que ça...
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Nombre de messages : 392
Age : 44
Localisation : Isle sur la Sorgue (84)
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2006

[28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk   [28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 2 Aoû - 9:05

Dernières modifs apportées à la beta :

Citation :


* You can now compare your achievements with other players. Screenshot
* It seems that the action icon now appears when you mouseover the target frame of a NPC. It doesn't look like it's implemented yet but we can assume that in the future, we will be able to left click the frame of the NPC instead of his model to prevent all the issues caused by players blocking NPCs.
* The Death Knight starting area now have its own loading screen. Screenshot
* The first features of the threat meter have been added to the game. Screenshot #1 Screenshot #2
- Your % of threat (based on the member of the party with the highest threat on the monster) is now displayed in the scrolling combat text.
- Your % of threat is now displayed in the tooltips of monsters.
- According to the first reports, the threat is just sent to the client without any encoding now, it will be very easy to build mods to display the exact threat of each member of the raid in the future.


* Two new stable slots are available for your pets ! The respective price for the 4th and 5th slots is 50 and 150 gold. Screenshot


* Howl of Terror (Demon Form) cooldown has been increased from 40 seconds to 3 minutes.


* Alchemical Blood has been renamed to Mixology.


* The lighting bug affecting most of the indoor zones is now fixed.
* A new "battleground room" is available in Dalaran !
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[28 et 29 juin 2008]WWI 08 à Paris + Infos Wotlk - Page 2 Empty
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